Room to Breathe. Room to Move. Room to Grow.
“Move toward the heart of the wound, so that it can be felt, and experienced in the light of kindness and presence. Here the energy and power embedded in the wound is freed and can be channeled through the heart, giving rise to compassionate outrageous action.”
“Trauma creates fragmentation. Healing can come with the kinds of unitive experiences that take place in caring relationships, artistic expression, and action that merges mind, body, and heart. Body-focused methods invite the integration of conflicted parts of ourselves and open the way for the perception of our essential interrelatedness—defying the isolating aspects of trauma and ordinary consciousness.
Trauma, rather than separating us from life, becomes a door to mystical awareness, a more complete way of being in the world, and an initiation into the ecstatic path and a more expansive sense of identity. ”